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Hello, my name is Julio Rosado and I am a Props Designer based out of Logansport, IN.


 My story begins in my birthplace, Puerto Rico. Early in life, my family decided to relocate to the U.S., where my dreams would become a reality. My passion for theatre began during my Freshman year of high school when I decided to join our theatre club as an actor. With a friend's help, I stepped out of my comfort zone and became a member of the acting company. Moving to the collegiate level, I  expanded my skills and explored other areas in the discipline, which led me to my favorite aspect of theatre: Design.


Utilizing influences from my everyday life and designs, I incorporate a world of color to shape an un-ordinary experience for my audience. I want to allow others to escape reality, just as theatre has done for me.


Becoming a recent graduate from Ball State University majoring in Design and Technology, I've been able to experience beautiful storytelling through live performance. Working alongside a team of talented performers and designers, I have been able to capture a moment in time through our productions.

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